Actions Examples

Examples of best practice created actions


Line Items

1. LexOffice > Create Vouchers

UI form schema:

  "type": {
    "type": "select",
    "title": "Type",
    "enum": [
    "info": "Possible values are salesinvoice (e.g. for sales orders), and salescreditnote (e.g. for refunds or returned sales orders).",
    "required": true
  "voucherNumber": {
    "type": "text",
    "title": "Voucher number",
    "placeholder": "2345678",
    "required": true
  "voucherDate": {
    "type": "date",
    "placeholder": "2016-06-29T15:15:09.447+02:00",
    "title": "Voucher date",
    "required": true
  "shippingDate": {
    "type": "date",
    "placeholder": "2016-06-29T15:15:09.447+02:00",
    "title": "Shipping date",
    "required": false
  "dueDate": {
    "type": "date",
    "placeholder": "2016-06-29T15:15:09.447+02:00",
    "info": "If not specified then the voucherDate will also be used for dueDate.",
    "title": "Due date",
    "required": false
  "totalGrossAmount": {
    "type": "text",
    "placeholder": "119.00",
    "title": "Total gross amount",
    "required": true
  "totalTaxAmount": {
    "type": "text",
    "placeholder": "19",
    "title": "Total tax amount",
    "required": true
  "taxType": {
    "type": "select",
    "enum": [
    "default": "gross",
    "allowCreate": true,
    "title": "Tax type",
    "required": true
  "useCollectiveContact": {
    "type": "switch",
    "default": true,
    "title": "Use collective contact",
    "info": "Set to true if the Collective Contact (customer/vendor) within lexoffice should be used. If used, the optional contactId will be ignored.",
    "required": false
  "remark": {
    "type": "text",
    "title": "Subject remarks",
    "placeholder": "AWS invoice",
    "required": true
  "voucherItems": {
    "type": "code",
    "mode": "jinja2",
    "rows": "9",
    "title": "Voucher items (Jinja code field)",
    "placeholder": "{% for item in line_items %}\n  {\n    \"amount\": {{ item.amount }},\n    \"taxAmount\": {{ item.taxAmount }},\n    \"taxRatePercent\": {{ item.taxRatePercent }},\n    \"categoryId\": \"8f8664a8-fd86-11e1-a21f-0800200c9a66\" {# this id is Warenverkäufe as per #}\n  }\n  {% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}\n{% endfor %}",
    "default": "{% for item in line_items %}\n  {\n    \"amount\": {{ item.amount }},\n    \"taxAmount\": {{ item.taxAmount }},\n    \"taxRatePercent\": {{ item.taxRatePercent }},\n    \"categoryId\": \"8f8664a8-fd86-11e1-a21f-0800200c9a66\" {# this id is Warenverkäufe as per #}\n  }\n  {% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}\n{% endfor %}",
    "info": "Use this field if you want to define your line items flexibly (multiple). Here is the docs:",
    "required": false

Request body of the action:

  "type": "{{ type }}",
  "voucherNumber": "{{ voucherNumber }}",
  "voucherDate": "{{ voucherDate }}",
  {% if shippingDate is defined %}
    ,"shippingDate": "{{ shippingDate }}"
  {% endif %}
  {% if dueDate is defined %}
    ,"dueDate": "{{ dueDate }}"
  {% endif %}
  "totalGrossAmount": {{ totalGrossAmount }},
  "totalTaxAmount": {{ totalTaxAmount }},
  "taxType": "{{ taxType }}",
  "useCollectiveContact": {{ useCollectiveContact | lower }},
  "remark": "{{ remark }}",
  "voucherItems": [ {{ voucherItems }} ]

Last updated

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