Troubleshooting Flows

Depending on the type of error and Flow there are different ways to effectively troubleshoot Flows


  • For more complex Flows and errors we highly recommend to have the Flow Builder and Flow Debugger opened in multiple browser tabs to be able to quickly (without loading) jump between:

    • Different runs (e.g. to compare why something worked in one run, but didn't in another)

    • Flow Builder and Flow Debugger (e.g. to check the exact step configuration of a step that's currently opened in the Flow Debugger)

  • If the Response code is N/A for a non-Helper (besides REST Helper) step, then the issue most likely lays somewhere within the Flow (or you discovered a Locoia bug)

    • Thus, if a step has a status code and it looks like you made the request correctly, the issue lies most likely somewhere on the third party's side

Common errors

Invalid syntax errors


Errors like:

invalid syntax. Perhaps you forgot a comma? (<unknown>, line 13501)

Are quite difficult to pinpoint and troubleshoot by it's own, as one doesn't easily know where the provided line number is.


  1. Click Download entire input in the Flow Debugger

  2. Run this command in the terminal while you're in the directory of the downloaded file: sed -i '' -e '1s/^{"expression":"//' -e '$s/"\}$//' -e 's/\\"/"/g' -e 's/False/false/g' -e 's/True/true/g' -e 's/None/null/g' -e 's/\\n//g' filename

    1. filename needs to be replaced with the actual filename

    2. This will make all the needed replacements for a valid JSON within a second or so

  3. Then open the file in a code editor

  4. Turn "Word Wrap" on, and do the JSON formatting, which will point out the error nicely

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