Super Actions

Super Actions are Flows built by Locoia which are contained in Actions


Super Actions are Actions for Connectors, which can contain multiple API calls and data transformations in a single step in order to make working with complex APIs more convenient.

Super Actions themselves are Flows built by Locoia, which run the necessary steps to get the expected outcome. The final step of a Super Action Flow will be the output of the Super Action step.

Whenever you add a Super Action step to a Flow, a Flow copy of the corresponding Super Action Flow will be created in your Locoia Account with the same data retention setting and view permissions (however, Super Action Flows are not visible in the Flow Builder overview or Flow Monitoring). Once the Flow using the Super Action is deleted, the corresponding Super Action Flow will be deleted as well.

Super Action Flows and Flow Runs do not count against your account limits, however, the steps run by Super Actions do count against your Flow Run steps limit.

Flow Debugger

Whenever you use a Super Action in a Flow, the Debugger will show a button Super Action details in the details Section of the Flow Run Step, which links to the Debugger of the Super Action Flow.

If the Super Action Flow ran successfully, the other details in the Flow Debugger of your Flow, are:

  • Start and End: Based on the Start and End Date of the Super Action Flow

  • Response Code: N/A

  • Request URL: N/A

  • Input: Based on the Form Input of the Super Action

  • Output: Based on the last Step of the Super Action Flow

In case of an error in the Super Action Flow, all these details are based on the step with the error:

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