File Storage Helper
Store and save files you later want to access publicly
Using the File Storage Helper, you can store and save all kinds of files (CSV, XML, Excel, txt, etc.) to the Locoia app file system (S3 instance). From there, you can download those files using the URL you will receive as a result.
1. Upload and publish files publicly accessible
This action takes a reference or a URL of the file and returns a publicly accessible URL.
See an example of how a file cars_csv
from the previous step is published and made publicly accessible:
All other files in the Locoia ecosystem cannot be publicly accessed.
2. Store a file privately for later use in flows
This action takes a reference or a URL of the file and stores it privately.
See an example of how a file cars_csv
from the previous step is stored with a new Filename car_manufactures
3. Retrieve stored file for use in flows
This action takes a Filename and returns a URL where the file is privately stored.
Retrieve a file by name car_manufactures
4. Create File
Creates a file with the desired name, content, and content type.
You can provide content in either text (plain) format or Base64 decoded format. If the content is a base64 encoded string set the optional parameter Optional encoding of the content to base64 and set the Content type of the file field based on the content type of the file that should be created.
Common use-cases File Storage Helper
Including a link rather than a file in an email
posting a file (e.g. JPG image file or pdf file) against another API to upload it
Create a file based on a text string (e.g. an XML file) or a base64 encoded file
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