Webhook Trigger for Connectors

Enables creation of webhooks in third party system directly in Locoia.


Automatic webhook triggers enable your SaaS apps to notify you instantly, similar to push notifications on your phone. Unlike the Webhook Helper, there is no need for manual setup—Locoia handles everything for you in the background.

All flows triggered this way run asynchronously (as if the "async" Webhook option was set), and the response is always null with a status code of 200

Automatic webhook triggers are already enabled for various connectors. Upon request, we can add this feature to additional connectors that support automatic (API-based) setup quickly and easily.

General usage

To configure and start your flow with any connector, simply type trigger in the connector's side panel, and the Trigger by Webhook action will be suggested automatically.

Available Variables

When setting up automatic webhooks, several variables are available to manage and utilize within your flows. Please note that this feature is available only to selected users who have the necessary permissions:

  • connectorAuth: The authentication token from the connector where the webhook is triggered. It can be dynamically passed as {{ connectorAuth }} in the lifecycle flow

  • webhook_url: The URL of the webhook for the flow where the webhook is triggered.

  • webhook_token: The token for the webhook. This will be None if the webhook token is not enabled.


Webhook triggers are re-created whenever their settings are changed. To re-create a webhook, simply modify a setting and save the flow. Then, revert the setting to its original value and save it again.

Last updated